Counseling » SAT Testing/Shiawassee Scholars

SAT Testing/Shiawassee Scholars

Are you SMART?

Student Benefits of Midwest Academic Talent Search/SAT TEST

  • Scores received may qualify your child to participate in numerous enrichment programs including the Shiawassee Scholars, MSU’s CHAMP, and ISHALL programs.
  • Early testing allows the student to become familiar with the requirements and rigors of the SAT test, eases apprehension for future tests, and allows outstanding practice without scores going to colleges, which are required once they reach 9th grade.
  • Students who test in 6th or 7th grade, generally show a marked increase in scores when testing again in subsequent years.· Testing provides information on educational programs for gifted students throughout the United States
    Shiawassee Scholar/SAT testing – usually occurs on the third Saturday in January at Owosso Middle School.